
Intake Process

Pi Delta Psi’s intake process familiarizes our members with Asian American history, current social issues, and positive role models. The curriculum helps prospective members discover their unique identity and instills leadership skills necessary to navigate life’s challenges. Our process encourages a mentor-mentee relationship between new members and existing members to understand their past and how to turn their passions into contributions to society.

While we keep our ritual practices a secret, our intake process is outlined and available on request. We also maintain risk management documents that outline restricted practices. Please reach out to our National Board for further information.


Pi Delta Psi prohibits all members from consuming alcohol while wearing fraternity attire, participating in official fraternity events, and attending intake educational events. Any prospective members found consuming alcohol during their process will be disqualified from membership. Pi Delta Psi upholds the highest standards of professionalism and recognizes that alcohol has no place within our curriculum. Our  policy on this matter has resulted in chapter suspensions, withdrawal of chapter status, and termination of individual memberships in the past.


Academic Achievement is our first pillar. We maintain minimum GPA requirements for students seeking membership and to maintain active membership as a student member of Pi Delta Psi. Those who fail to maintain our academic standard are restricted from all fraternity activities.


The National Board of Pi Delta Psi consists of alumni members throughout the nation to serve as liaisons to community leaders and school administrators. Please contact our National Board for any issue at eboard@pideltapsi.com.